Cafés, coffee, and creativity…Blog #133

Lot 61 Roaster, Amsterdam

One of the many things I love about travel, is finding new cafés. Now, I’m a little picky about my cafés ~ they need to have character, atmosphere, background music that isn’t overbearing (jazz is always a good choice), comfortable chairs, and of course the necessary internet connections. When doing work travel, cafés are my location of choice to write and prepare for whatever projects I may be working on at the time.

Barn Owl (Milk Shed), Kelowna, BC

Customer service is also important, I want to get the feeling that I’m welcome there, not just a source of revenue to the owners. I have experienced all of these elements in coffee shops across Canada and Europe, but I’ve also experienced some that cause me to quickly drink my beverage and leave…after all who wants to feel like an inconvenience? 

Zandvoort, Amsterdam

As I write this blog, I’m sitting in a local café in my home town of Kelowna BC. Soft jazz is playing, I’m sitting in a comfortable chair by the window providing a view of the lake. I am very much enjoying a decaffeinated, double espresso, macchiato. (It has to go be strong to make me forget it is decaf!). A new barista asked if I wanted a 12 or 16 ounce — good clue that she was new. However, the person training her respectfully whispered that she was not quite on the right track, then proceeded to coach her through making my not-so-often requested drink. The training was magnificent, as was my coffee.  

I have a home office (currently being redesigned by a new start up business, Design Floral), and I really do like working in it. However, there’s something about the inspiration I get when working from such coffee shops as this one. I use my AirBuds to quiet down some of the distractions, while still allowing the gentle ‘buzz’ of the patrons to filter through. It’s peaceful, and for some reason, provides an atmosphere that stimulates creativity.

Black Rabbit, Kelowna BC
House of Tribes, The Hague

I’m sure you have come across some hidden gems from your travels, or even in your own home town — I would love to hear about them. What do you look for? What are some non-negotiables? What kind of work do you feel most inspired to do in a café of choice? What would perhaps make a one-time-visit-never-to-return experience? What location would you recommend as a must visit?

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