Category: publishing

My book is published!…Blog #127

Hi there, I feel like I’m returning to an old friend…it’s been a while! In my next blog, I do want to chat about appreciating the beauty right on our own doorsteps — it’s coming your way shortly. But first…

I do have some great news to share. As my followers may remember, back in February I submitted a book for publication. This week it was finally published after 9 months of going back and forth, reading, re-reading, editing, and learning a great deal about the publishing process. Now I understand why they say it’s like giving birth!

I am grateful for the support and encouragement I received from the incredible team at Friesen Press Publishing. Their dedication and collaboration made the journey of bringing our amazing travel experiences to life through the written word, a true delight.

As I dove headfirst into this creative project, I found myself drawn back into the captivating world of our 7-month sojourn in Portugal and Spain. Each memory transported me back to those cherished moments, allowing me to relive the joys and challenges, while savouring the extraordinary adventure my husband and I were privileged to experience.

Sagres, Portugal

The book will forever serve as a reminder that the pursuit of our dreams can lead to life-altering experiences, and for that, we will forever be thankful.

So here it is What if…? Finding new adventures through life’s obstacles.

I look forward to your feedback after you’ve had the chance to read the book. It is currently available as an e-book and will soon be accessible in both softcover and hardcover formats. Your thoughts and insights mean a lot to me, and I can’t wait to hear what you think.

A climb to remember by Gracie Sawatzky… Blog #126

I am so thrilled to have a guest blogger for this post, my second oldest granddaughter, Gracie. She is a talented writer and painter, and I know you’ll enjoy hearing about one of her favourite travel adventures.

Hello! My name is Gracie and I have spent the past ten years travelling around Europe with my parents and siblings. Though we certainly haven’t been everywhere nor seen everything, we have seen so much that has inspired us! One experience that sticks most in our memories was a summer we spent up in the Alps, camping in a tiny French town on the southern tip of Lake Annecy. Beautiful and deep, the lake filled the valley and up from its shores the mountains and hills rose to the sky over which wonderful and beautiful cloud displays crowned the peak of the mountains. 

It was at the foot of these mountains, in the valley, that we spent our time looking up at the mountains from below and watching as the paragliders left the mountain ridge and descended slowly down in circles and curves. We wondered how the view would look from up there and heard people tell of a hike you could take to reach it. We love to explore, especially by foot, so on one of the cooler days we started out for the trail. 

The early-morning sun was only just starting to show its face over the peaks. We started off through the village, passing houses with their stone bases and dark wooden walls. The whole village was filled with the smell of fresh bread from the local bakery. We passed gardens over whose walls the flowers flowed in all colours, swaying and filling the air with heavenly fragrances. Behind us the sun’s rays moved slowly down the slopes; the cool of the morning would soon depart leaving a heat that was less enjoyable to hike in. After leaving the village we walked along dusty paths through the fields and crossed over the main road through the valley. On the other side it was cooler, for here we walked through the damp woods to reach the foot of the mountain. As we approached the base of the mountain, the path separated into minor trails, all leading to lovely places along the shores of the lake. But our trail lay up the mountain, and so we started on the broad trail that zig-zagged its way slowly up the slope, over which the sun began to flood with fresh light and warmth. At first, the trail was easy, the way was straight and clear, but gradually it narrowed. Around us, the forest grew up the slope on our right and down the slope on our left. 

As the morning passed, and we made our way up, the trail grew busier; some people passed on by up the mountain, while others descended, though from where exactly, we weren’t yet sure. The air was cool and we felt energetic and enthusiastic. The people we met were of all sorts, some went by without saying anything, others smiled and said good morning (or “bonjour; everyone bonjour’s in France), and a few had some comments about the journey and the destination. But not all were seeking the top, there were those coming down to enjoy a dip in the lake at the bottom. 

Painting by Gracie Sawatzky

By midday, we reached the halfway viewpoint. Here, people would turn back. After this, the path began to become more challenging. There were tree roots and mossy stones to clamber around, slippery leaf banks, and a few steep places, where my dad was absolutely convinced we were all going to fall to our death! We were getting tired but it was still fun and interesting, but we were all getting pretty hot and sweaty; the coolness of the morning was quickly becoming a fading memory. In patches through the treetops, one could catch glimpses of the surrounding view, but only glimpses, for the woods were thick, and one was always weaving in and out of the rolling. 

The afternoon wore on and one felt like the world was mostly trees and a never-ending path. The most tired simply focused on each step and the most ambitious sought out ways to traverse the more intricate ground below and above the path (we resembled goats, much to my dad’s fears, as I’ve already mentioned). Now, when people passed, one had to stop and move aside, for the path was narrow. Soon, the path no longer zig-zagged up but began climbing in a steady upwards direction. At every bend, one half expected to find an opening, and at every rise one felt the altitude rise ever so gently. Soon faces began to look fresh and smiles of encouragement spurred us on. Some of the nature changed and signs dotted the path here and there to herald the (what we assumed to be) end of our hike. Then, at last, the tree line broke and up a few well-worn steps brought us out into the open above their tops. Our feet were aching and our legs exhausted, but it was all quite quickly forgotten when one turned around and saw the great expanse of mountain, sky and valley below! The lake was now far below, and on its surface, the boats left white lines, yet seemed to hardly not move. We spotted familiar landmarks and watched the cars along the thin line of the road. The valley was patched like a quilt of green: forests, fields, farms, and villages. Looking down we saw the slopes rise from the very and over their top peaks we saw more slopes beyond, rolling on into the misty distance. Behind, the mountain peaks rose from the green mountain pastures into the misty clouds sailing fast not far above. Across the pastures the sounds of bells could be heard, their ringing mixed with the lowing of cows and baying of sheep. In the tiny village at the top of this mountain, the many visitors bustled about buying cheese as well as other alpine articles of interest. The paraglider jumped off and tired hikers and cyclists (there was a road to the top as well) parked and rested, gazing off at the view. The air was lighter and fresher, it felt like another world far up there, and rather exhilarating was the fact that we had reached here, not by car, not by bus, but with our own legs, and all that we felt had been well worth the climb! 

That was a few years ago now, but the memory of that day has never left us, nor the inspiration and motivation of where we could reach on our own two feet. We had reached a beautiful view of the Alps, the heavens, as well as rolling hills and valleys. We saw life moving slowly below, we saw the clouds within reach, encircling the rocky peaks above the tree line, and we saw those peaks rise and disappear in the distance as they climbed higher. 

‘Maynooth’ by Gracie Sawatzky

Now I take those memories of ours and photographs from my mother, to create pieces as I work on growing my skills in drawing and colour theory. If you are interested in perhaps purchasing this piece or looking at others you can contact me at

Steps 3,4 etc in my publishing journey…Blog #120

What does it take to go the publishing process? Patience, tough skin, open mindedness, patience, tough skin, open mindedness…repeat, over and over!

Seriously though, I’ve learned that the writing of a book, deciding to publish, finding a publisher and submitting the manuscript is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to actually getting a book to the point of publication.

I last wrote about this adventure on January 26th, and since then the process has been wait, review, edit, submit, then wait again. The most challenging aspect has been receiving the feedback and recommendations from the deep edit. Ouch! I know I may not be the best English grammar student – ok, not even close. But to see the word pictures I so lovingly and painstakingly created and scripted, and reflections on happenings from days and years gone by that have etched their learnings into my psyche, placed under the editor’s critical microscope and dissected without consideration of my virgin writer’s feelings, is tough! 

And necessary, and has taught me so much!   

Thanks again to my writing mentor, Karen, I had to take a step back, to become more objective in reviewing the editors comments and recommendations. While the feedback was valuable, I was still responsible for deciding what elements of the feedback aligned with my message, my voice, and my goals. Don’t get me wrong, there was no question whether or not I would accept the many grammatical corrections, the awkward construct of sentences, and the amazing suggestions regarding the structure of the book. Still, what stories remained, the emotions I wanted to provoke, and the seemingly unimportant details were up to me. 

I had three choices: accept the changes, consider what parts of the suggested changes I would accept, and what I would reject. The end result was a better manuscript, and a great deal of gratitude to my editor.

Right now the publisher is working on the book layout, including photographs from my journey, and I have approved the script for the back cover; the editor did an amazing job on that! The graphic designer is working on a few edits for the front cover, which I should be signing off on shortly.

The next big step for me is getting the ARC (advanced reader copy), and sending my book, ‘What if…’ out to a few trusted readers for their endorsements. 

So, as far as I can see, we are on track for a late summer release, and I am excited! For now, I wait, again. 

But that’s just fine – I leave today for Spain, where new adventures await. We will be walking a section of the Camino, sandwiched between a few days in Madrid, Bilbao, and San Sebastian. Stay tuned!

First photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

Second photo by Shane Kell on

Publish? Me?…Blog #117

Have you ever had something nagging in the back of your mind that is not so strong as to be hushed, but also not so quiet as to be ignored? I think that niggling (or whatever you might call it) has been my constant companion for a few years. Just to be clear, when I use the word niggling, I don’t mean worrisome, more like persistent. 

Monchique, Portugal Dec. 29, 2021

I found this quote in a blog called That Niggling Thought, it gives voice to what I’m endeavouring to say.

Sometimes a thought returns so incessantly it needs to be investigated. Learning to listen and to simply be open to trying is more challenging than we’d like.  

My niggling thought? Should I write a book? Of course, along with the idea has always come an inner dialogue with the potential to fast track me onto a roller coaster of reasoning that only a strategic thinker could conceive.

But, what if I did? What would it be about? Would anyone want to read it? Would anyone pay to read it? What if no one did read it, would it have been a waste of time and money? But…what if I did and it ended up being an encouragement to others? Perhaps even insightful? What if it made them laugh, or cry? What if it provided an enjoyable read as they relaxed on some spectacular beach overlooking the ocean on a warm summer’s day? Ok, that’s maybe going too far. But…what if?

Sometimes you just need to open that unknown door, and do it! That’s exactly where my niggling has led me. 

If you’ve been following my blogs for a while, you’ll know that my husband and I spent several months in Portugal and Spain while I was on an extended study leave from teaching HR and Management at Okanagan School of Business in Kelowna, BC, Canada. We expected it to be an adventure, and it was. We expected it to be a learning experience, and it was. We expected it to be amazing, and it was. We didn’t expect it to be filled with many challenges and shall we say, growth opportunities. But it was!

The years of niggling finally provided both the impetus and inspiration to write a memoir, which I did. Having finally submitted it to a publisher, a whole new learning journey begins.

I invite you to share in this journey with me. Hopefully it will be both informational and inspirational. Hopefully you’ll pay attention to whatever is niggling at you and step through that door to adventure and learning. And hopefully you’ll share your experiences of following the niggling.

The deepest satisfaction of writing is precisely that it opens up new spaces within us of which we were not aware before we started to write. To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know.

Henri Nouwen

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