Tag: europe

2024 ~ ready for new adventures…Blog 130

I love to travel, really I do. However, this love is not without conditions. I most enjoy travelling with someone, preferably family and close friends, and I like going places that offer the opportunity to be by the sea or ocean. While I appreciate time spent in a city exploring the arts, culture, gastronomy and of course unique shopping, I prefer to spend my time in the less busy, less travelled parts of the world. To be clear, I’m not talking about roughing it, I do appreciate my creature comforts, just more so in peaceful, slower paced locations. 

There are, of course, some things about travel that I find less enjoyable. Like long haul flights that leave you longing for that invigorating walk on the beach where stretching without fear of elbowing another passenger, or flight attendant, is possible. Or how about the challenge of visiting the aeroplane bathrooms? It takes some contorting to rearrange every single thing around you, climb over a sleeping seat mate, and then wait for your turn to once again be a contortionist to fit into the smallest closet size space to relieve yourself. And then you get to do it all in reverse. 

Then there’s the jet lag — oh my! I’ve heard many tips and tricks to deal with it, and some even claim to prevent it; however, the reality is that jet lag is part and parcel of travelling to those amazing, yet to be discovered far off places that call for navigating across various time zones. Great argument there for local travel and road trips!

But still, I love to travel and explore new places, shop in local markets, enjoy local cuisine (except fish, unfortunately), and find those spots that offer moments of quiet and reflection by the water.  

We are starting the year off with a wonderful travel experience, not to new places, but to someplace more familiar. As many readers know, we spent 7 months travelling and living in Portugal and Spain in 2021/2022. To celebrate my departure from full time employment to freelancing (Professional Development Coaching), we are taking advantage of creating our own time schedule. 

Carvoeiro, Portugal is one of the places that won our hearts during our extended time in the EU, so it is serving as our home base for a short time while we enjoy this incredibly beautiful part of the world. But even more fantastic is the time we have to enjoy being with both our kids and their children. This time together isn’t something we take lightly — living in different parts of the world has its challenges! It is simply heartwarming and life-giving to spend time on spectacular beaches with your family. The perfect way to kick off a new year.

So, as we look to the year ahead, what does travel look like for 2024? Perhaps back to Europe, perhaps travel in Canada, perhaps…who knows? What I am sure of, is it will be filled with adventure, exploration, learning, and delight! And more inspirational places to write and create. Stay tuned.

Leave home, leave the country, leave the familiar.
Only then can routine experience—buying bread, eating vegetables, even saying hello—become new all over again.

—Anthony Doerr